Några halloween skämt på engelska, hoppas ni förstår! :D

1. Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
He didn’t have the guts

2. What do ghosts serve for dessert?
I scream

3. When is it bad luck to meet a black cat?
When you are a mouse

4. Why don’t skeletons like parties?
They have no body to dance with

5. Why are there fences around cemeteries?
Because people are dying to get in

6. Where do ghosts go on holiday?
To the ghost of the DEAD sea

7. What did one ghost ask another?
Do you believe in people?

8. What did the skeleton say when his brother told a lie?
You can’t fool me, I can see right through you

9. Why do witches wear name tags?
So, they would know which witch is which

10. When do witches cook their victims?
On Fry Day


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